Op-Ed – Europeanize NATO to save it - OPEWI - Europe's War Institute Op-Ed – Europeanize NATO to save it | OPEWI - Europe's War Institute Humane ClubMade in Humane Club
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Op-Ed – Europeanize NATO to save it


When NATO members gather next month to celebrate the alliance’s 75th anniversary, they must seize the opportunity to inoculate the vital collective-defense organization against shifts in U.S. geopolitical priorities.

The argument that the United States has for too long borne the burden of perceived European complacency continues to hold sway with many Americans. The bitter fight over Ukraine funding is only the latest sign of the entrenched skepticism toward Europe that has become a feature of American politics. It is unlikely to be a fleeting trend.

If NATO is to reach its century mark, the transatlantic partners must substantially shift the responsibility of continental European security to Europeans themselves…

More here: https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2024/06/europeanize-nato-save-it/397299/